As new parents you have a constant cycle going: cry, feed, change, burp, comfort, and the cycle goes on for what may seem like a sleep-deprived level of infinity. There are so many things to do and worry about. Worrying about your child’s eyesight should be on your radar but not cause you more sleepless nights. Here are a few things to be aware of when it comes to your infant and his/her vision.
There are a number of common childhood diseases and disorders to be on the look out for in the early months that you should bring to the attention of your pediatrician.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
This very contagious eye disease is notorious for causing red, itchy, crusty eyes in infants and young children. Usually the pediatrician can prescribe ointment or drops to clear up a bacterial infection. If it is viral in nature, waiting it out is usually the best course of action. If you notice pink eye in your infant, or if the condition worsens, you’ll want to get treatment immediately. Warm compresses can also greatly alleviate the pain from conjunctivitis in infant cases.
Clogged Tear Ducts
It’s common for newborn tear ducts to clog and for tears to overflow onto a baby’s cheeks, or crusty build up to occur in the corners of the eyes. Keeping your infant clean is important for eye and ear health. Again, a warm cloth compress can help but if the pus drainage and crusting last throughout the day, call your doctor.

Crossed Eyes
Many babies cross their eyes because the muscles that control the eyes are still weak and underdeveloped. However, if your child is 4 months old or older and frequently cross-eyed, or if it occurs at the same time each day or during the same activity, an eye exam is warranted. You will want to correct your infant’s vision while they’re young so this problem does not continue throughout life. Glasses can be made to train this muscle of the eye, and strengthen vision to correct their eyes to see straight. Ask your eye doctor about crossed eyes in your infant, and take care of this eye issue before it becomes an issue.
Eye Sty
A sty looks like a red, sore lump near the edge of the eyelid; it is caused by an infected eyelash follicle. These can be extremely painful and irritating for babies. When you notice your infant crying often, touching their face, and clearly irritated, check the eye areas for these red sores. If you notice something even remotely sty looking, call your eye doctor before this gets any worse! Your eye doctor can tell you about treatment methods and relief of pain for your infant.
Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)
Amblyopia is a term used to mean poor vision in an eye that has not developed normal sight (usually during early childhood). It occurs when visual acuity is much better in one eye than the other. Amblyopia is common and affects two or three of every 100 people in the U.S. Amblyopia can be a result of strabismus (misaligned eyes). Again, discuss your observations with your doctor. They may recommend an eye appointment for further evaluation.