How to Prepare Your Child for Their First Eye Exam

Pediatric eye exam Boston, MA

Your child’s eye health is an essential part of their wellbeing and instrumental in development and learning. While you’re watching for milestones and going to well-visits, keep in mind that the earlier we diagnose vision problems, the better. Boston Eye Physicians and Surgeons advises parents to bring their children in around their first birthday for an initial exam and then again at 3 years of age and before they begin school. 

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Why Your Dry Eye Symptoms Worsen in Winter

dry eyes Boston, MA

Dry eye disease can impact several areas of your life, from your ability to work on the computer to enjoying a morning run outdoors. The winter months bring on even more challenges for people who struggle with the burning, itching and aching sensations of dry eyes. Boston Eye Physicians and Surgeons can help relieve your symptoms through dry eye treatment. 

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How to Pick Your Intraocular Lens Implant for Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the safest procedures available in modern medicine and has a 95 percent success rate. This procedure replaces the cataract with an intraocular lens implant (IOL). Your natural eye lens works like a camera lens to focus light for crisp, clear vision, and an IOL performs the same function.

A premium IOL can improve your vision if you are nearsighted, farsighted or have astigmatism. New technologies even offer vision correction for presbyopia, the age-related loss of up-close vision. Our experts at Boston Eye Physicians and Surgeons can help you choose the best IOL for your vision needs so we can restore clear vision and improve your visual acuity.

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5 Corneal Conditions That Can Damage Your Eyes

The front portion of your eye is the cornea, which acts as a window, refracting incoming light onto the retina at the back of the eye. This structure is vital for clear vision. A misshapen cornea causes poor eyesight in the form of nearsightedness, farsightedness and/or astigmatism. Corneal diseases, infections and other conditions can also lead to poor vision and jeopardize your eye health. At Boston Eye Physicians and Surgeons, we offer high-quality eye care and treatments for various problems with the cornea. 

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Life with Keratoconus: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Keratoconus causes the dome-shaped cornea to stretch and morph into a cone-like bulge, leading to impaired vision. The eye condition often affects young adults in their teens to late 20s — a time in life when people branch out into the world through school, work and social development. The vision distortions, blurriness and light sensitivity caused by keratoconus create unique challenges for growing teens and burgeoning adults. These eye issues can worsen for 10 to 20 years until the damage stabilizes. 

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Macular Degeneration: Myths and Facts

Hand flipping wooden cubes for change wording from “fake” to “fact”.

Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, is one of the primary causes of vision loss in adults. In spite of its prevalence, there is a lot of misinformation circulating about AMD. In this post, the team at Boston Eye Physicians and Surgeons clears up the most common AMD myths.

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Tests You Can Expect During an Eye Exam

High technology concept health for eyes care – The optician ophthalmology doctor optometrist in the eyes clinic using a binocular slit-lamp to a young woman for an eye control

Professional eye exams are a critical part of maintaining good vision and eye health. These painless, non-invasive exams consist of a variety of tests performed by an experienced eye doctor using various instruments and pieces of equipment.

Read on as the team at Boston Eye Physicians and Surgeons discusses some of the tests you can expect during an eye exam.

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Open-angle Glaucoma vs. Closed-angle Glaucoma

There are quite a few different types of glaucoma, with two of the most common being open-angle glaucoma and closed-angle glaucoma. Whether you have been diagnosed with glaucoma or not, it is useful to have a basic understanding of the two in case you experience any symptoms.

In this post, the team at Boston Eye Physicians and Surgeons breaks down the differences between the two types of glaucoma.

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Am I a Candidate for Multifocal Contact Lenses?

As you age, it’s common to notice the quality of your eyesight decline. Perhaps you’ve always worn glasses or contacts for distance, but now your eyes are having difficulty seeing things close up as well.

There are a few different options for people who need to juggle multiple prescriptions simultaneously, including multifocal contact lenses. The ophthalmologists and optometrists at Boston Eye Physicians and Surgeons can help you figure out what course of treatment is best for you.   

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Signs You Are Ready for Cataract Surgery

Not all cataracts need to be removed. In its early stages, an immature cataract may not significantly impair your vision or require surgical treatment. You may not even notice there is a problem!

As cataracts mature, they will start to interfere with the things you need to do (e.g., read, work on a computer) or want to do (e.g., golf, travel). At that point, it is wise to consider surgery.

Read on as the team at Boston Eye Physicians and Surgeons reveals signs you are probably ready for cataract surgery.

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